What is the main task of youth today? It is to overcome whatever opposes good. This task is not more difficult than it was in the time of Christ Jesus. It has been the work of the sincere Christian metaphysician in all ages. History abounds with stories of men and women who overcame forces of evil with right ideas.
In Christian Science we view the metaphysician as the thinker who glimpses that all is Mind and its formations. He starts with the one mental cause, Mind, to destroy whatever opposes good. Matter is neither a foe nor a remedy to this thinker. When coping with difficulties, he is concerned with mental causation alone. To this thinker, divine Mind is the creator, and creation is the revelation of Mind's ideas. Since Mind is God and God is good, the basic mental cause of all creation has to be good. To him, the commandment is to have no other cause but Mind, no other effect but that which expresses the intelligence of Mind.
Proceeding from this standpoint, the modern-day metaphysician is unafraid when encountering the most subtle, entrenched, or aggressive states of evil. Without a mind to propagate or fear it, evil dissolves. The metaphysician knows this, and it gives him dominion. Such a thinker is a useful citizen. There is no limit to his individual progress, for Mind and its idea cannot be restricted. He is needed in our churches, in education, government, business, the professions, the arts and sciences, the home, everywhere. Wherever he is, the world is a better place.