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From the November 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When a teacher is no longer here, the members of his association have the opportunity and the duty to carry on with renewed zeal and consecration. To assist in its continuing unfoldment, Mrs. Eddy has provided in Article XXVII, Section 2, of the Manual of The Mother Church that the association may elect an experienced Christian Scientist to conduct its annual meeting.

Occasionally a pupil may be prevented by some circumstance from attending his own association. Article XXVI, Section 7, provides that in this event he may seek an invitation to attend another association. But the spirit of the By-Law implies that this should be the exception, not the rule. The pupil of a teacher who is no longer here need not obtain permission from the executive committee of his association to attend another association, but it is often useful for him to notify the committee of his intention.

The privilege of seeking an invitation to or attending another association is not extended to the pupil of a teacher whose teaching privilege has been suspended and his association consequently dissolved; the pupil may not attend an association until he has been retaught.

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