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From the November 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

... if you are, maybe this would be a good time to think about joining The Mother Church. When Jesus was 12, his parents found him in the temple eagerly talking with the wise men, "both hearing them, and asking them questions" (Luke 2:46).

Mary Baker Eddy knew that boys and girls of 12 could know and love Truth and want to join with others who are practicing it. So she provided in the Church Manual (Art. IV, Sect. 3) the opportunity to join at age 12. If you would like to find out what it means to be a member of The Mother Church, why not study the Manual and perhaps ask your Sunday School teacher or a Christian Science practitioner about it? They can answer your questions and give you an application to fill out if you'd like one.

(If you're over 12, you may obtain an application form from any Christian Science Reading Room, branch church or society, or from a Christian Science practitioner listed in the Directory at the back of this journal. Or you may write directly to Charles Henry Gabriel, Clerk of The Mother Church, Christian Science Center, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115.)

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