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Dominion over Depression

From the December 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What can be done to heal mental depression?

This form of self-inflicted tyranny can be stopped through prayer. Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy says, "The despotic tendencies, inherent in mortal mind and always germinating in new forms of tyranny, must be rooted out through the action of the divine Mind." 1

The mentally depressed are sometimes temporarily helped or partially cured by psychiatry, antidepressant pills, shock treatment, and other materially-oriented methods. But depression and its accompanying anxieties cannot be permanently or completely cured unless the cause, the bad influence of mortal, material thinking, is counteracted. Prescribing a pill intended to tranquilize thought, or diverting or even shocking the mind, is not getting at the root of depression. Such steps are more like chopping a few leaves off the tops of the weeds in one's garden when one should be uprooting them.

1  Science and Health, p. 225;

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