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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in Portuguese]

I was raised in Christian Science and...

From the December 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was raised in Christian Science and had from my parents the best example of how to apply this wonderful religion in any and every situation. Financial problems were overcome in a remarkable way when the false concept of poverty or lack was replaced by the truth that being is complete, needing nothing, as Psalm 23 says: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

I witnessed many healings in my family, healings brought about through the application, pure and simple, of the truths contained in the Bible and in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. So-called childhood diseases, including polio, were immediately repelled by the understanding that God, being the only creator and being all good, is not the author of those diseases, having created man perfect and not subject to materiality and its consequences. Inflamed tonsils, persistent colds, intestinal colic, burns, dog bites, and innumerable other difficulties were overcome through prayerful metaphysical work done by my mother and sometimes by devoted Christian Science practitioners.

The most notable healing, however, was that of a malignant tumor that had appeared on my father's neck, the physical evidence of which was becoming increasingly alarming. Because of the regulations of the firm for which my father was working, he had to submit to a rigorous medical examination. After this he was immediately discharged, since, according to the board of specialists that had examined him, he would not bear up under an operation, as he was quite weak and had only a few weeks to live.

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