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Testimonies of Healing

It was at a period of great desolation,...

From the December 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was at a period of great desolation, about 1900, that my mother was given the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. My mother and I lived in the home of my grandparents, my mother and father having separated when I was only two years old. My grandfather was a most earnest seeker for Truth, reading extensively in his search. But he was prejudiced by the fact that the author of Science and Health was a woman. We were greatly helped in our study by dear friends who were members of the first branch Church of Christ, Scientist, to be established in this state.

The first healing in my experience was that of a badly damaged finger only a fortnight before I took part in an Australia-wide piano examination. A dear Christian Science practitioner gave me prayerful help, and I gained the gold medal.

About 1913, I manifested serious symptoms of tuberculosis; the fear of my elders was so great that medical aid was sought. This threw me into a wilderness of thought lasting for about five years. During this time we left Australia to travel to Europe, but fell right into the confusion of the First World War. I contracted typhoid fever and spent seven weeks in hospital, not expected to live. The small knowledge Mother and I had of Christian Science helped me to recover.

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