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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in Swedish]

Since my testimony appeared in the...

From the December 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since my testimony appeared in the Scandinavian Edition of The Herald of Christian Science of October, 1956, I have had many further blessings through Christian Science. I would like to relate some healings I have experienced.

Several years ago one of my temples turned red and sore. It was a form of shingles. My elderly mother, who was not a Christian Scientist, had been suffering from this disease for many years without finding a cure. At that time I had my job to take care of, besides my home, and I became fearful and got in touch with a Christian Science practitioner. The following morning I woke up completely free of the painful disfigurement, and that was the end of the difficulty.

Four years ago, while staying alone in my summer cottage, I awoke one night with severe abdominal pains. Early in the morning I called a practitioner, who promised to give me treatment through prayer.

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