Some years ago, as I was traveling in another country, the car went out of control while moving at high speed. It rolled over a cliff and down into a hollow. A witness who saw the accident later told me that some people came upon the wreck, took my wallet, and added to the injuries I had from the accident. When I regained consciousness many hours later, I was in a hospital. I was in pain and had broken bones and was badly burned.
When my parents were notified about the accident, they called a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me before they came to the hospital. Later I was removed to a hospital near my home. The doctor stated that most people brought to them in that condition did not live. But when the X rays were taken, they showed that the bones were already set. This was the effect of prayer in Christian Science. Because I was in the United States Army at that time, it was decided that a Christian Science Minister for Armed Services Personnel would be asked to continue prayer for me. In less than a week I could move my legs and sit up in bed. A short time after that I was walking again, and the burns were healed.
Although grateful for this very wonderful healing, I was bitter toward all the people of that nation for this terrible ordeal. I said many bad things about them and advised people not to go to that country. This went on for a number of years, until I had the opportunity to work there. As I worked and made friends with many of the people, I realized how wrong I had been in blaming them. I had broken the commandment (Ex. 20:16): "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."