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Justice for children

From the May 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A worthy objective . . . Yet often our efforts for justice seem frustrated or indefinite. Could it be that there is an underlying need to uplift and expand our concept of justice itself? Justice for children begins with "higher education"—a higher, more spiritual understanding of their real identity as indestructible sons and daughters of God.

Love is the origin of creation, the Father-Mother of the universe. The purpose of God is that His children be constantly aware of their Father-Mother God and feel His ever-present care. As flawless expressions of Spirit, God's children cannot be subject to discord. God's offspring are the thoughts of perfect Mind and can never exist in a state of incompleteness or helplessness.

Recognizing God's love for His offspring, Christ Jesus said, "It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." 1 Think what a revolutionary improvement there would be in the care of youngsters if this potent declaration of the Master's were accepted as law—a law of health, protection, and life!

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