The light of divine Truth is forever revealing its own all-power and all-presence to be active right where the mental darkness called discord seems to be. It is revealing man's present completeness as God's spiritual expression.
The Bible tells us, "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." I John 1:5; Because in truth each of us is God's reflection, the individualized expression of this all-inclusive light, there is no place anywhere for mortal mind's shadowy suggestions of fear, doubt, and disease to exist.
Why, then, do we struggle so to get rid of the darkness? Isn't it because we believe darkness is something? That it has substance, form, reality? Illness, lack, discordant relationships are not the realities they claim to be, Christian Science explains. They are only part of the mistaken sense that there is a place where God and His law of perfection are not operative. A good beginning when we are confronted with any untoward situation is to deny its reality and steadfastly face the light—the truth of perfect God, perfect man—and to love with every fiber of our being. Then we can joyously leave the resolution of the problem to our Father-Mother God, infinite Truth.