A great breakthrough in our search for Truth comes when we glimpse the fact that the man we really are is perfect now.
Man needs no improvement. Why? Because God's perfection is absolute, and man is God's spiritual expression. Man's perfection can never dim or slip in any way. The secret of progress is to see this absolute spiritual fact ever more clearly through daily prayer and deep study— and to vigorously live it in our daily lives. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "The great spiritual fact must be brought out that man is, not shall be, perfect and immortal." 1
As we study the Bible along with Science and Health and the other writings of Mrs. Eddy, our thought is gradually deepened and spiritualized. We can't stop this process of enlightenment, by which man in God's likeness becomes more vivid to us. As a result, our conversation is improved, our motives purified, our whole life gradually transformed. All this is the coming to light of that true, perfect selfhood we're seeing. It is evidence we're following Christ Jesus' example and command, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." 2