Christian Science never combines spiritual healing with material modes and practices. Nor can its theology ever be diluted with any doctrine that attributes less than all power to God. But Christian Scientists have no quarrel with people who subscribe to other systems of healing and worship. Mrs. Eddy makes this clear: "Students are advised by the author to be charitable and kind, not only towards differing forms of religion and medicine, but to those who hold these differing opinions." She continues, "Let us be faithful in pointing the way through Christ, as we understand it, but let us also be careful always to 'judge righteous judgment,' and never to condemn rashly."1
Most Christian Scientists, at one time or another, have contact with various systems of religion and medicine. Obeying the injunction always to be charitable and kind, Scientists can help to prove that mutual respect and cooperation and a recognition of the sincerity of all concerned promote harmony instead of friction when differing systems meet. Integrity, compassion, and a desire to bless—even though methods may differ —act as unifiers.
There are times when Christian Scientists find themselves associated with those of other beliefs in ministering to one in need of healing. Perhaps a close friend or relative is a patient in a medical hospital or nursing home. To maintain a harmonious atmosphere for the patient without oneself being influenced by the environment requires a fine line of discrimination on the part of the Christian Scientist. To appreciate the good expressed by all concerned without being mesmerized by the material accompaniments must be his goal.