My husband and I have found Christian Science prayer and trusting one's children to God to be the safest, surest method of healing.
One outstanding healing was of our daughter's teeth. Her second set of teeth had come in at an odd angle, pointing toward the back of her throat. Although a course of dental treatment had been recommended, we sought to heal the situation through prayer. Throughout the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy refers to man as God's reflection. And the clear realization that our daughter was neither a sinful nor imperfect mortal, but the pure reflection of God, brought the turning point in the healing. Within weeks the teeth assumed their normal position, and today our daughter, who is now a young woman, has strong, healthy teeth that are in perfect alignment.
The healing of deafness in our younger son was also a milestone. At one point he had been suffering from a heavy cold when he became deaf. In thinking about the child, I realized that I had been attributing to him the same unlovely characteristics I saw in another person, who was also deaf. For one entire day I prayed to rid my thought of unjust criticism. That night we attended a Christian Science lecture entitled "The Evidence—True or False?" It told how to deal with criticism! I realized that I could joyously let go of false concepts of both the child and the other person. The hearing problem, which had seemed so enormous, left my thoughts until several days later, when I became aware that our son was joining in a conversation from about forty feet away. This healing of deafness occurred over eight years ago, and an additional benefit has been that the lad is no longer prone to catching colds, a tendency he had had since birth.