Many of us have experienced from time to time that bleak feeling of deep loneliness, a sense of isolation from all with whom we would like to identify. We may have felt lonely in the middle of a crowded assembly; within a group of friends; in a cozy family circle, or even within a close-knit husband/wife relationship.
Although one may attribute such a feeling to lack of communication, it is in fact not a physical loneliness at all. It is a feeling of aloneness, a deep yearning within one's consciousness to claim the unity that exists between man and his Maker—between divine Mind and its idea.
Personal sense would have us believe that separation from other people or loss of human relationships can be the cause of loneliness, but this is not really so. True, there is a need in each one of us to be caring and cared for. There is a need in each of us to understand and to be understood. We need to feel needed; each of us must fulfill in order to be fulfilled. But it is to divine Love, not to material person, that we must turn in order to find true and lasting satisfaction.