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Come, scale the pinnacle!

From the February 1984 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If you feel incapable of giving a testimony, take heart! You are able to voice your gratitude.

As a new student of Christian Science, I listened to the helpful and uplifting testimonies given on Wednesday evenings at the branch Church of Christ, Scientist, I attended. I decided with regret that I would never have the confidence to stand up and speak—that I just wouldn't have the words.

However, I was diligently studying the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly each day, and without quite realizing it then, I was making progress in spiritualizing my thought. By this I mean that the limited, mortal sense of self was being uncovered as false—recognized as a case of mistaken identity; it was being replaced with clearer views of true selfhood. The timidity, fear, and self-consciousness that kept me in my seat were not the real me at all. Confidence in my spiritual identity as God's beloved child began to grow.

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