On the whole, wouldn't the world be improved if there were more enlightened scientific reasoning in all human endeavors? Yet more than being just scientific, reasoning needs to be Christianly scientific.
Such reasoning necessarily starts with God's allness. True rationality must be spiritual in origin and purpose. We are protected from a life full of needless trials and errors if we reason from God's allness—His ever-presence and all-power— and are impelled by spiritual motives and purpose. Substantial and meaningful answers are found when we totally rely on the understanding of God as the source and creator of all reality and follow the reasoning which proceeds from this rudimental reliance. As Mrs. Eddy writes: "Inductive or deductive reasoning is correct only as it is spiritual, induced by love and deduced from God, Spirit; only as it makes manifest the infinite nature, including all law and supplying all the needs of man." 1
From the very start the student of Christian Science learns that God is Love. In an inspiring Christian Science Sunday School class, for example, no doubt the pupils get a clear sense that God loves them, and that if they should fall, He will pick them up. This is a basic Christian concept. But they (and we) need to be learning, as well, the spiritual basis for scientifically Christian thinking. If students have this solid grounding, they are not so apt to leave the teachings of Christian Science for worldly pursuits. Nor are they so apt to go out and break the Commandments only to have to discover that by living within God's law one finds the true meaning: to life.