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Testimonies of Healing

I began attending a Christian Science...

From the February 1984 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I began attending a Christian Science Sunday School at the age of seven, along with my two younger brothers and a sister. My mother developed a great interest in this wonderful, healing religion, and my father attended church services. I thoroughly loved the teachings of Christian Science and looked forward to going to Sunday School every week. I was greatly helped by what I learned.

Then, when I was sixteen, my mother passed on. The next year my father remarried. Afterward, because of my sincere interest in Science, I continued to go to Sunday School, although my younger brothers and sister did not, and my father no longer attended church.

From that time on, I tried to understand and apply what I was able to grasp of the teachings of Christian Science. Although my father and stepmother did not follow these teachings themselves, they did not object to my attending the Sunday School or church services. However, it was not until years later when I became interested in Christian Science nursing that I really began to practice what I was learning.

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