I have received many blessings through the study and practice of this wonderful religion, Christian Science. One outstanding healing occurred about four years ago. A sharp pain began to spread through my entire body. Soon walking became difficult and I could not stand straight. In a few days I was confined to a chair and my meals were brought to me. It was difficult to lie in bed.
After the third day, I called a Christian Science practitioner for help. I was grateful that she was not disturbed by the physical evidence. We worked together, affirming that God is loving and good and would not permit one of His children to become useless.
I was especially concerned about the situation because we were expecting our grandsons to arrive by plane in a few days for a visit. Also, we had enrolled to participate in classes at a college summer session. I knew that much walking would be involved. As we continued to pray, I began experiencing some improvement. However, when the boys arrived at the airport I met them in a wheelchair. Still, I was grateful that they were not distressed to see me that way.