As God's spiritual idea, man is forever one with Him—one with all good, with omnipotence itself. From this oneness derives our power over every debilitating suggestion of error. Because we can never really lose our God-given dominion, we never need be overwhelmed. We are never a tiny fragment of humanity pitted against forces or circumstances beyond God's control. Recognizing and living the truth that man's real spiritual individuality is at one with God—with Truth itself—make us superior to error. No accumulation of lies can ever be a match for a single truth, demonstrated.
Humanly it seems otherwise. Greater numbers may represent greater power; when the motive is right, this has merit. In fact, "majority rule" is a cherished concept in democratic societies. There fairness dictates that the larger number, the number greater than half, prevails. Its choice predominates.
The greater the numbers, the better, one might broadly conclude. The most votes win. The more I go along with the crowd, the better it will be for me. The more I have, the greater my success. Yet, the Scriptures include examples of few, not many, being the determining factor.