If we are deeply grateful for the healings we have already witnessed in our own lives through Christian Science, we doubtless yearn humbly to approximate more closely the love and healing work of the Master, Christ Jesus.
In the Gospels we read that Jesus instantaneously healed all manner of sickness and limitation, including lameness, blindness, hemorrhaging, sin, and death —all without resorting to material methods. The Gospels tell us of God as a Father whose love and care are available to all who sincerely turn heavenward for comfort. They teach us the importance of continual self-examination in order that we may love God a little more each day.
Jesus knew that religious hypocrisy was rampant among his contemporaries. Many priests and Pharisees could talk of God—but did their lives accord with their words? The Master labored long to show his disciples that what one held in heart and thought was more important than outwardly appearing holy. Pure love and righteous motives coupled with prayer would naturally result in Christian works.