Visualize if you will a rosebud, a rather tight rosebud. Lovely as it may be in its present state, not until it opens out completely is the perfect beauty of the rose revealed. If one tried to force open the bud, the blossom would be spoiled and possibly destroyed. The unfoldment must be gradual, through natural growth and sunlight.
I often think Truth is revealed to us through Christian Science rather like this in the unfolding of our day-to-day experiences and careers. Mrs. Eddy writes, "Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear." Science and Health, p. 506. When we are receptive to the Christ, Truth, ideas will unfold to us from Mind.
Through praying with the above quotation, I was led to the blessed experience of Christian Science class instruction. I had no money and no job at the time, and not a great deal of formal education. What I did have was a sincere desire to know God better, to do His will, and to serve the Christian Science movement and my fellowman.