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Testimonies of Healing

How grateful I am for the guidance...

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How grateful I am for the guidance Christian Science has provided me over the years! Through it I've learned to lean consistently on my Father-Mother God through times of trial and testing.

I grew up in a very loving but medically oriented environment. My early years were spotted with periods of illness, and fear of not submitting to material methods of treatment. Although our family attended an orthodox Protestant church and I went to Sunday School regularly, my innermost questions about God and man's purpose in the scheme of things remained unanswered until I found Christian Science—or rather, it found me!

In my early married life, a close relative was diagnosed as having an incurable illness. It was during this period that I turned to God with all the faith I could muster and prayed, "There's got to be a better way, Lord. Show me that way." Certainly there was a better way, and it was very soon presented to our family through a gift. The gift was the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Even though my relative couldn't seem to get interested in the book, it was my introduction to Christian Science, and it opened the door to a whole new world for me.

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