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Testimonies of Healing

"Of the ten lepers whom Jesus healed,...

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Of the ten lepers whom Jesus healed, but one returned to give God thanks,— that is, to acknowledge the divine Principle which had healed him" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 94). For many years I have been like one of the nine, but the steady ingress of spiritual light and power compels me to return belatedly to give my thanks like the grateful leper.

In the East, where religions and philosophies abound, during my college years I embarked on a conscientious search for Truth through researching the writings of various philosophers and sages. Somehow I held the opinion that Truth was to be intellectually thought out. So accordingly I pursued my religious beliefs with zeal. Never had it dawned on me that Truth is synonymous with God, a fact that I was later to learn in Christian Science. My intellectual wranglings only stimulated my mental debates and left the prime question "What is Truth?" unanswered. Later I was to read in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany by Mrs. Eddy (p. 349): "Kant, Locke, Berkeley, Tyndall, and Spencer afford little aid in understanding divine metaphysics or its therapeutics." Further on she says, "Divine modes or manifestations are natural, beyond the so-called natural sciences and human philosophy, because they are spiritual, and coexist with the God of nature in absolute Science."

This "absolute Science" was introduced to me twenty-four years ago by friends, one of whom later became my husband. He gave me issues of the Christian Science Sentinel to read and asked if I had any ailments. At that time I used to get severe headaches each afternoon. Since the day I first mentioned this to my husband-to-be and he offered to help me prayerfully, I have experienced no further headaches.

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