When you have lived a lifetime studying Christian Science and have seen your parents, sisters, brothers, husband, children, and grandchildren healed at different times through the application of its teachings, where do you begin to say thanks?
In raising my family of three children, I have experienced harmonious childbirths and have seen healings of fevers, colds, mumps, measles, a dogbite, crushed fingers, and more. I was healed of a severe case of recurring attacks of asthma. Our son returned safely from the Vietnam War after a tour of duty with the United States Marines. But of all the healings that have blessed our family, I would like to share one that my husband experienced.
One Sunday morning I was wakened by a terrific thump and knew that something had fallen. My husband was not in bed, so I wondered what had happened. I turned on the light and saw my husband, who had collapsed when he had tried to stand up. He pulled himself up and sat on the bed, but one arm hung limp, one side of his face had dropped, and his speech was garbled.