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Do not condemn yourself

From the September 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There are times when we are tempted to feel inadequate, inferior, or unworthy. We may see ourselves as simply not good enough. But at this very moment —as at every moment—our heavenly Father, divine Love, sees us as His perfect idea.

No one knows us so well as our Father-Mother, God, does. He sees us as He created us—as His own image and likeness. Because God is Truth, only what God knows of us is true. God's great love for us is made manifest in the Comforter, His divine Science, which Mrs. Eddy discovered and set forth in Science and Health. Through our study of this Science we can learn to know ourselves as God knows us.

The truth of our oneness with God as His beloved son is already established in Science. We don't have to make truth true; it eternally is true, but it becomes real to us only as we identify ourselves with it and make it our own through daily application. To demonstrate the truth, we must be faithful to the truth. This requires continuous alertness, for that which would thwart our demonstration of Christliness would also deny the Christ-image we are revering in thought.

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