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What price joy?

From the September 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This most desired, this sweet intensity of thought dearer than
happiness, is joy of heart:
This is the gift of Christ, which cannot be lost nor worn away by
time or temper.
So as in the joy of receiving, so also in the joy of surrendering faith in
all else:
The luxury of tears (what need for them when in Christ there is no death?);
And of the hope for many years, when today is the eternal here and now;
And lastly, the indulgence of mere believing when in true knowing
only can the need be met.
Thus the price is counted all joy, for its promise is resurrection
from the dream.
Joy knows no sense of being but that born of Soul, which comes not
through striving or vain appeal
Rather is inborn, welling up from the wonder of having discovered
that good alone is real.

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