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Praying from the heart

From the September 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

They didn't even recognize him. They had seen him respond with tender affection to children, with stern rebuke to hypocrites, with healing compassion to those who were ill. They had been taught by him themselves and had heard him preach to thousands of others. They must have been as familiar with their Master's demeanor, his facial expressions, his manner of speaking, as they were with each other's. Yet today, walking side by side with him on the road to Emmaus, these two followers didn't have an inkling as to who their companion was.1

The past several days had been very dark ones. Their Master had been unjustly tried and crucified; then his body had been placed in a sealed tomb with guards at the entrance. Jesus had foretold his own resurrection; in fact the disciples had already received word of an empty tomb and an angel vision saying he was alive. But such an event still seemed beyond belief to these two men as they journeyed with the stranger, discussing the events of the previous days.

Soon he began talking to them about Scriptural prophecy relating to the Messiah. They were deeply affected by his words. Evening found this man still with them, breaking bread. At that point, the Bible says, "their eyes were opened" and they recognized their Master. Then "he vanished out of their sight."

1 See Luke 24:13-35.

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