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Home free!

From the September 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There was a time when I had a recurring physical difficulty that seemed to defy healing. In spite of all my efforts, there was little break in the cycle. So I decided to discuss my concern with a Christian Science practitioner.

The practitioner helped me take another look at myself, that is, at my spiritual identity, or relationship to God. We talked about man's true spiritual consciousness and selfhood, and saw that this selfhood has never been corrupted or intruded upon by anything unlike God, good—be it sin or disease.

As I left his office, he finished our conversation about my perfect, spiritual status with the assurance "You're home free!" As I thought about those words (which I've always interpreted as sports parlance for safe, free from penalty, out of danger), I felt less frustrated. "Yes," I agreed, "I'm home free!" I could see that regardless of what the physical senses were arguing, this ailment had nothing to do with my real individuality as the spiritual child of God—forever whole, completely intact.

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