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A neighbor from another church...

From the May 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A neighbor from another church asks whether you've been "saved. " The nurse at your child's school plies you with questions about spiritual healing.

A college roommate, a relative, a colleague at work, wants you to explain what Christian Scientists believe and why.

There are countless everyday situations in which Christian Scientists are called on to share their religious convictions—in Bible terms, to give "a reason of the hope that is in [us]."1 What should we say in these situations? How can we best express to others what we feel so deeply about Christian Science? We've all asked ourselves similar questions—and most of us can probably remember times when we wish we 'd said things differently!

Helping others to understand better where Christian Scientists "are coming from" takes love and listening and plenty of humility. In that spirit, let's think seriously together about what this kind of sharing involves—not just the words spoken, but what it demands spiritually of each of us.

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