There is such great thirsting of the soul today for spiritual things. To some extent, worldwide there is a turning to religious values. People seem to have been shaken up by the bleakness of materialism in recent decades, and they are seeking out spirituality—sometimes wisely and sometimes unwisely. But they are reaching out in new ways. As a recent Sentinel cover said, "If you're walking through a desert, you feel differently about water! In today's crisis of values many people are thirsty as never before for deeper meaning." Christian Science Sentinel, April 4, 1988.
So if we supply the living water that people are craving, we can be sure they will seek it out and find it.
It makes great demands on us. There's no way we can fulfill that tremendous need without actually going through what you have to go through in order to have the living water to give. That means purification, baptism—in those profound stages that Mrs. Eddy describes. See Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 203–207 .