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Testimonies of Healing

One evening I received a call from one of my...

From the April 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One evening I received a call from one of my daughter's friends who told me that my daughter had been in a car accident. I called a Christian Science practitioner in our town and asked her to pray for me and for my daughter. I went to the scene of the accident and found that she had already been taken to the emergency room of the hospital. X-rays were being taken when I arrived. When I went in to see her, the first thing she asked me was if the practitioner was at the hospital. I called the practitioner, and she came to the hospital.

The doctors described the injuries to me and the problems they anticipated, and they warned me of possible long-term difficulties that my daughter might experience as a result of these injuries. While they were waiting for the results of tests and X-rays, the practitioner and I went in to see my daughter. The practitioner told her that God was right there and that He was taking care of her. She quoted lines from a hymn in the Christian Science Hymnal, and the doctors and nurses listened too. The passage is from Hymn 134.

Embosomed deep in Thy dear love,
Held in Thy law, I stand:
Thy hand in all things I behold,
And all things in Thy hand.

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