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Testimonies of Healing

During college I started suffering from painful...

From the January 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During college I started suffering from painful headaches. I took strong painkillers, but often even these wouldn't work. I'd been raised in Christian Science, but I'd turned away from it during college. Some time after graduation I began studying Christian Science again. About four years ago I began praying diligently about this difficulty with headaches.

I prayed to realize that headaches are no part of my true heritage as a child of God. Intellectually, I could understand that no painful condition is part of man, who is in reality God's image and likeness, but often I couldn't feel the spirit, the joy, of this spiritual fact. Nevertheless, step by step I took a stand for my freedom as God's child.

I studied the description of man in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy that begins: "Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements." It continues, "Man is spiritual and perfect; and because he is spiritual and perfect, he must be so understood in Christian Science. Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique."

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