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Testimonies of Healing

This morning I swam a whole mile! The milelong...

From the September 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This morning I swam a whole mile! The milelong swim was, for me, a way of expressing gratitude to God; it was also proof of a Christian Science healing I had experienced some time before.

Several years ago I had to give up swimming because it had become painful and fatiguing to use my arm. My arm didn't grow stronger from lack of use, however, and the ache grew worse. Soon after that I discovered a lump in my breast that appeared to grow rapidly. I became very fearful. I confided to my husband about this, and he was very supportive and comforting. We both turned to God in prayer.

At times I asked for help through prayer from a Christian Science practitioner. He agreed to pray for me and suggested I read certain references from the Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

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