If a marriage "isn't working," the general view might be to separate and call it quits—especially if the decision to marry hadn't seemed very inspired to begin with. But that wasn't the choice of one young wife, who concluded that Christian Science had shown her she had more than a personal, limited love to express. Now, from the perspective of twenty years later, she and her husband speak honestly of their earlier struggles, their spiritual development, and their close, happy marriage.
Wife: It was a few years after we'd been married that I began to realize that when I married my husband I didn't have very clear views of what I valued in life. Certainly, there were good things about him and I was attracted to those, but I had, temporarily, lost sight of spiritual values. I'd been raised a Christian Scientist but hadn't really "made it my own," so to speak. Christian Science hadn't become something that was a daily way of living for me yet, or a way of thinking.
But, a few years into the marriage, I began to miss a quality of thought. I felt that my husband was missing a quality that made it more and more uncomfortable for me, living with him. And I began to identify it as a lack of spirituality.