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Each Joseph, every well

From the February 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

These things may happen: in
far places where nobody knows
your name a cherished coat may be
stripped off and lonely cells become
the recompense for righteousness.
Dark thoughts, detailing grief or guilt,
may shout but will not bring

like Joseph, you can be the son
who finds God's purpose is at work,
and say: "He sends us hither
and preserves our life."

For these things, still,
with spiritual certainty, are true:
each Joseph, in whatever well,
can yet discover his own Christliness
and watch God's love design the way.

It is God's perfect will
that makes this so, that lifts us up
and keeps uncharted journeys pure
while Christ reveals the kingdom
we already occupy—where, with
impartial tenderness, our Father
speaks our names and feeds
each brother's famished heart.

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