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No villain—no victim

From the May 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A number of years ago I read an article in a weekly newsmagazine which discussed the theory that victims often tend to provoke the crime committed against them. Whether or not we're inclined to agree with this view, it's important to realize that we can do something about lessening crime.

There's no question that we appear to live in a sometimes dangerous world. Yet isn't there a way to refuse to be victims, refuse to attract violence, refuse to experience such impositions even in areas with high crime rates? While we obviously can't accept responsibility for all the turmoil in the world, we surely can take responsibility for understanding that we don't have to be passively submissive to any circumstance that appears to be out of control.

Christian Science helps us recognize the possibility of preventing crime in our experience. And it shows us we can pray effectively to help others enjoy greater safety.

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