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Discovering tenderness in our world

From the June 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

She came down the steps of her town house, apparently ready for a trip into the city. At the bottom she was stopped short. There was a man stretched out, asleep on the sidewalk.

She tried to waken him but could not. Then she noticed his poorly clad feet. Going back upstairs to her son's room, she found some clean socks and a pair of sneakers that fitted the man and put those on his feet. When finally he was awake, sitting up and thanking her, she continued on her way.

A neighbor working in her garden down the street saw what had taken place and told me about it. This woman's small act of kindness certainly has elements of Jesus' story of the Samaritan who cared so tenderly for the man he found lying wounded by the side of the road.

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