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Testimonies of Healing

I was raised in Christian Science...

From the June 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was raised in Christian Science, and my early years were happy and healthy. When our older daughter was in kindergarten, however, we faced a great challenge. This daughter became unwell and did not improve. Her father, who was not a Christian Scientist, asked me to take her to a doctor for a diagnosis.

The doctor examined the child carefully and repeatedly, looking most distressed. Immediately, I prayed to know this child's spiritual perfection as God's likeness, and to be able to "guard my thinking" and not to accept any pronouncement of disease as real. After excusing the child, the doctor gently told me that he believed she had leukemia and that he needed to hospitalize her for extensive tests. At my request he agreed to testing on an outpatient basis; I took her twice for the tests. He later called to say that these tests had confirmed his worst suspicions.

Because the doctor offered no hope, the child's father was willing to continue seeking help for her through prayer in Christian Science. He said that he wanted us to return to the doctor, but that we could do so after I felt at peace.

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