Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "All substance, intelligence, wisdom, being, immortality, cause, and effect belong to God." The understanding of this statement helped me and my family when our house burned down several years ago. I'll never forget the love that surrounded us—so much was expressed—and the encouragement of my teacher in Christian Science to keep looking forward—not back—and not to dwell on what had been lost, but rather to accept the ongoing continuous supply that is our heritage as God's children. How true this was proved. Physical burns healed quickly, and alternative accommodations were found.
We stayed for a while at our daughter's place, during which time I prayed and looked for rental accommodation, but nothing seemed available. Then on the morning of the fifth day, when I woke, this thought from a Christian Science hymn came to me: "This is the day the Lord hath made;/Be glad, give thanks, rejoice." Half an hour afterwards a friend rang up saying he would be happy for us to move into his furnished house for as long as it was necessary, as he would be moving back to his parents' place. This house was just around the corner from where we lived. How grateful we all were as this proved an answer to prayer.
It was ten months before we moved into our rebuilt house. As clerk and soloist of our branch church, I feel so grateful for God's constant care as I was able to continue with these duties without interruption, and with joy and the support of fellow church members.