I got up one night, and when returning to bed I turned my ankle over. I heard a sound, and it felt as though it had broken. I fell to the floor and couldn't stand up. I made my way to the bed and prayed, wanting to wait until morning to call a Christian Science practitioner for help.
All kinds of evil suggestions came to my thought for acceptance, and I firmly denied each one: that I wouldn't be able to walk; that I would be lame; that maybe I'd have to have my foot taken off (that suggestion didn't hang around long). I didn't want to let evil get in—to let these fearful, evil thoughts get into my consciousness.
I was in severe pain, but I prayed, knowing—trying to know—that I was in God's care. And then I got myself together and knew that an injury was not true for me or anybody else— that God is All-in-all, and the creator of all good.