Today I thought of how fearful I used to be of standing up and giving a testimony at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting. I had all kinds of excuses for not giving testimonies, but I would sit and give many silent ones.
One day I read about bringing "all the tithes into the storehouse" (Mal. 3:10). I felt that giving testimonies should be a part of my tithes. Also tithe began to take on a new meaning for me—it began to include such things as doing metaphysical work for the church, preparing to teach Sunday School, lending a hand where necessary in church work, even giving a smile where there appears to be a frown.
I still had to overcome the fear of standing up at meetings and testifying, but the door was opening. I even thought if only I could find a little tiny church, I could then find the courage to do it. Then one day I was asked to help with giving church services at the Air Force base near where we lived, and I accepted. The meeting included a short period of time for testimonies. That was where I got up and gave my first testimony. Later, as my desire grew to fruition in many more testimonies, I remembered my silent prayer for a small church to begin in, and, lo and behold, God had supplied even that in the little Air Force base services. God is ever present and answers even our smallest prayers.