When I was married and had two children, my daughter had an eye that watered continually for at least a month. My husband was not a Christian Scientist at that time, and he wanted me to take her to a doctor. I asked him if I could try Christian Science first. "OK," he said, "but if she is not better in the morning, we will take her to the doctor." I agreed. I called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment. In the morning the eye had stopped watering and was normal.
After this healing my husband and I both began to study Christian Science. We had Primary class instruction and became members of The MotherChurch and a branch church.
The healings in
our family over
the years have
been many.
The healings in our family over the years have been many, including diarrhea, headaches, heart troubles, the effects of bad falls, back problems, lack of supply, and vision difficulties. For over fifty years I have had no need of a doctor or medicine, and today I continue to lead a vigorous and happy life.
Marion, Massachusetts