Sometimes it seems that civility and respect are helpless victims of materialism and crime. Especially disturbing are reports of vandalism in schools, the desecration of houses of worship, the defamation of values and institutions. As alert people of faith, we might ask ourselves if we are watching, praying, and working for the amelioration of such conditions.
Christ Jesus proved through his lifework that mankind need not cower before the posturing of evil, regardless of the barbaric forms it seems to assume. Not even the tyranny of Rome, the blatant hypocrisy of the Sanhedrin, or the brutality of his own crucifixion and death could withstand the presence and power of Love, God, which he demonstrated. In his resurrection, he triumphed over any supposed power opposed to Love.
In following Jesus' example, we can face fearlessly whatever would claim to destroy that which is good. We need not give in to despair, because Love, God, is forever triumphant. As we strive for victory through Christlikeness, we must, however, understand clearly the nature of evil as well as how its specious claims are nullified. Mary Baker Eddy classifies the carnal or mortal mind, the source of evil, as "animal magnetism."See Science and Health, p. 103. She writes: "Animal magnetism, in its ascending steps of evil, entices its victim by unseen, silent arguments. Reversing the modes of good, in their silent allurements to health and holiness, it impels mortal mind into error of thought, and tempts into the committal of acts foreign to the natural inclinations." The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 211.