I have been meaning to write for some time to thank you for the way you tackle so many of the critical issues that all of us face each day. As a single parent and the owner of an international corporate consulting and strategy firm, I face so many different types of issues—from providing leadership for my staff as we conduct our business around the world to raising a teenage son. Every Journal addresses at least some of the challenges that my family and I face on a daily basis.
Gladwyne, Pennsylvania
The article "Finding Jesus" in your August issue is, I think, a little too generous toward those "helpful" Bible scholars, many of whom are nonbelievers with the aim of undermining Christianity. The so-called scholars of the Jesus Seminar are often derided by honest historians and archeologists, including some agnostics. This is particularly true in Europe. You might be interested in a book entitled Is the Bible True? by journalist Jeffery L. Sheler.