Every Christmas reminds me that the reason people love hearing the account of Jesus' birth again and again is that it hints at something we intuitively know: that although we weren't present at the first Christmas, we can still receive the Christ. Christ comes to us right now, where we are. Christ is the message of God's boundless love for humanity. Just because we missed the birth of Jesus, we don't have to miss the point of his appearance on earth! Christmas is not only about the baby Jesus, born of a virgin in a manger, who would teach and do great and wonderful things. It's about Christ Jesus.
Jesus' birth illustrates God's love for everyone.
The term Christ has many meanings. It's Jesus' divine title and nature. It means "Messiah." Christ is the saving, healing Truth coming from God to humanity. The nature of Christ is to purify and heal. It makes us conscious of good where evil appears to be. It inspires us to know God. Christmas is Christ's coming. It is actually continuous and eternal.