The Spring of 1999 was late in arriving on the Pacific Coast. Winter seemed unwilling to let go, and the weeks of cold, rainy weather continued. One day in April, I unsuspectingly stepped out onto my back porch with a bag of garbage in each hand on my way to the garbage can, so that I did not brace myself on the railing as usual. I had no idea that the steps were icy—it was not apparent to the eye—and down I went. As I sat on the bottom step, I firmly acknowledged, "Accidents are unknown to God ..."
(Science and Health, p. (424), and I recalled with conviction another statement in that book: "Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man, under the government of God in eternal Science, to fall from his high estate" (p. 258).
I live alone, with the assurance of God's perfect protection.