When I was growing up, water for our family's home came from a shallow surface well, 15 feet deep. It was linked to a water system that fed a river behind our house and was controlled by a dam 30 miles upstream. For many years the well supplied our water needs adequately. One summer, however, the local water table was lowered because of restrictions at the dam. Our well essentially went dry. We limited our water use, and some water was hauled up from the diminished river. After a couple of years of this, my parents decided to dig a deeper well. Over 100 feet deep, it tapped into a different water source that produced an abundant supply all year round.
This experience has provided a useful analogy for me when I've been forced to come up with creative ways to make do with limited funds. I've learned to "dig deeper" To me digging deeper means turning to God.
When I was in college and facing financial challenges, I knew that if I deepened my understanding of God and my relation to Him, I would find more financial security. But I was impelled by the desire to grow spiritually rather than acquire more materially. My study of Christian Science was focused on how an understanding of God brings healing. I was seeing that God is divine Spirit and is infinite, not limited in any way. Equally important, my understanding of my true identity was clarified: I'm God's spiritual expression, never cut off from His abundant resources.