Participants from around the country met in Boston in November to attend the 2003 annual Spirituality & Healing in Medicine conference. Sponsored by Harvard Medical School, the Mind/Body Medical Institute, The George Washington University, and The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health, this year's event gave attendees the opportunity to hear and talk about the importance of forgiveness.
FINDING PEOPLE who wanted to be better forgivers—how hard could that be? Yet when directors of the Stanford Forgiveness Project were looking for people to participate in a study on forgiveness, they ran into a problem. How could they get men to respond to their ads?
Within days of placing notices in local newspapers and on the radio, the project's phones were already ringing with calls from women, eager to be involved. But willing men were nowhere to be found. That's when the project's coordinators realized they'd have to market their study differently. Rather than forgiveness, why not advertise grudge management?