Soon after we were married, my husband faced a difficult decision that would affect our entire family. He was offered a job in Vienna, Austria. He struggled over this decision. For him, it would mean leaving familiar and secure employment for a country whose language he did not know. For me, it would mean leaving my parents and friends for an intimidating unknown.
For many people, participating in national elections offers an especially important opportunity to make decisions.
To be sure he would make the right decision, my husband prayed about it. And I prayed to be willing to back him up in whatever he chose to do. Both of us felt that we needed to trust something beyond our own view of the situation and our own personal inclinations. Faced with uncertainty, we had to turn to something greater than ourselves to find the wisdom to take the right steps. That greater something is God, who we understood to be the source of wisdom. We'd always found in the past that when we trusted this wisdom, rather than our own opinions, choices became clearer and were easier to make.