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Letters & Conversations


From the October 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Thank you for taking us into your question: "Could Northern Ireland be a role model for peace?" [see August cover]. That NICHS mural is unforgettable. I must find a way to have a reproduction of it handy, to be noticed often, as a reminder to catch every possible updraft into collaboration initiatives daily. The Journal enlarges us and our world.

In her upbeat and positive account of Belfast [August, p. 7], Rosalie Dunbar tried to be fair to all sides, and I think she generally succeeded. She seems to have misunderstood the term "Quis Separabit," however. The term, which dates back to the conflict in the 1920s and earlier, means, "Who shall separate Ulster from the United Kingdom?" not "Who will break up our homogeneous community?"

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